Publications Archive
This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years
- cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
- cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
- cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
- cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy
cepPolicyBrief: Geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination (Regulation)
The EU Commission is planning to ban geo-blocking and other discrimination based on nationality, place of residence or establishment in order to improve cross-border online trade in goods and services. In cep's view, the bans will only rarely result in customers buying more across borders.
cepPolicyBrief: ICT Standardisation Priorities for the Digital Single Market (Communication)
The Commission wants to press ahead with the standardisation of information and communications technology (ICT). It is focussing, in this regard, on the "priorities" of cloud computing, the internet of things, 5G communications, cybersecurity and data technologies. In cep's view, setting priorities is appropriate.
cepPolicyBrief: Audiovisual media and video-sharing platforms (Directive)
In view of the changing media landscape, the Commission wants to revise the rules on the provision of audiovisual media services and video-sharing platforms. In this regard, it proposes the harmonisation of competition rules applicable to television programmes and video-on-demand services. In cep's view, this is appropriate because both media services are in competition with one another.
cepPolicyBrief: Contract law for the supply of digital content (Directive)
In addition to online sales of goods, the EU Commission also wants to boost the market for digital content and ensure that it can also be offered and acquired across borders. With the proposed Directive, it wants to fully harmonise the guarantee rights and other consumer rights in contracts relating to the supply of digital content and thereby remove legal uncertainty and promote sales of digital content.
cepPolicyBrief: Digital Single Market: European Cloud Initiative (Communication)
The Commission wants to create a European Open Science Cloud, strengthen data infrastructure and invest in quantum technologies. A European Cloud, in cep's view, contributes to the efficiency and quality of research. Success, however, depends on information actually being put in the Cloud.
cepPolicyBrief: Digital Single Market: Digitising Industry (Communication)
The European Commission wants to speed up the digitisation of European industry and calls, inter alia, for an EU-wide network of "Digital Innovation Hubs". These will help small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular, to develop digital innovations more easily. In cep's view, public funds should not be channelled into such "Hubs".
cepPolicyBrief: Cross-border portability of online content (Regulation)
Subscriptions to films and other online content will also be available for use during temporary stays in another Member State. This is provided for under a EU Commission proposal for a Regulation on the cross-border portability of online content. Until now, this has been prevented inter alia by national copyrights and licences.
cepStudy: Competition Challenges in the Consumer Internet Industry
In the presence of EU-Commission Guenther Oettinger, cep has presented in Brussels its latest study on competition challenges in the consumer internet industry.
cepPolicyBrief: Digital Single Market Strategy – Pillar 3 (Communication)
EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has declared that the completion of a Digital Single Market is one of the priorities of his period of office. With the Digital Single Market Strategy, the Commission wants to make the EU the leader of the digital economy. A central pillar of this strategy is the building of a "data economy" (Big Data, cloud services, Internet of Things).
cepPolicyBrief: Digital Single Market Strategy – Pillar 1 (Communication)
The European Commission will harmonise the contractual rights of both parties in online purchasing EU wide. In addition, it will submit legislative proposals to prevent "unjustified geo-blocking". Geo-blocking is a technical measure used by online traders to restrict access to cross-border online purchasing by users in a specific geographical location.