Universal Telecomms Services (Directive)

Information Technology

Universal Telecomms Services (Directive)

Philipp Eckhardt
Philipp Eckhardt

The EU-Commission wants to revise the universal service rules in order to enable all EU citizens to have a broadband connection at an “affordable price”. In cep’s view, however, an obligation for universal service providers, to offer social tariffs below market prices in order to give low-income citizens a broadband connection, would be in breach of the freedom to conduct a business.



Internet access for those with social needs can, in cep’s view, be ensured without a universal service, e.g. by way of vouchers or social benefits. Only allowing the universal service to be financed, in the future, by way of public funds - and no longer by way of apportionment - is appropriate and correct because a reliable determination of the companies who should be subject to apportionment is impossible.

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Universal Telecomms Services COM(2016) 590 (publ. 06.06.2017) PDF 133 KB Download
Universal Telecomms Services COM(2016) 590
Proposal for a Directive COM(2016) 590 (publ. 10.12.2016)