New types of telecommunications services and end-user rights (Directive)

Information Technology

New types of telecommunications services and end-user rights (Directive)

Philipp Eckhardt
Philipp Eckhardt

The EU Commission wants to create a level playing field for providers of conventional and new types of electronic communications services (OTT services) and largely harmonise end-user rights. In cep's view, there is however no justification for the many proposed exceptions for number-independent interpersonal communications services in the area of end-user rights.



cep also urges interoperability obligations to be imposed by the national regulatory authorities only where an OTT provider has an unassailable market position. In addition, statutory maximum durations for contracts and inalienable termination rights cannot be justified by the end-user's special need for protection because there is, in any case, strong competition in this sector.

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New types of telecommunications services and end-user rights COM(2016) 590 (publ. 04.18.2017) PDF 126 KB Download
New types of telecommunications services and end-user rights COM(2016) 590
Proposal for a Directive COM(2016) 590 (publ. 10.12.2016)