Publications Archive
This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years
- cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
- cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
- cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
- cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy
cepInput: Renewing the EU’s Capacity to Govern its Future
The EU needs a more robust economy and a more effective decision-making process to withstand geopolitical and geo-economic competition from the US and China, experts say. But according to a study by the Centre for European Policy Network (cep), this does not require changes to the EU treaties.
cepInput: Sovereignty Built on Strength and Significance
The EU is at risk of falling behind in core innovative sectors such as automotive, pharmaceuticals and aerospace. Not enough progress is being made in future technologies such as AI. The Centre for European Policy Network (cep) presents its ideas for an economic overhaul of Europe.
cepNews: Europe.Table Live Briefing: Europa vor der Schicksalswahl - der Kandidaten-Check
In der gemeinsamen Veranstaltungsreihe von Europäischer Bewegung Deutschland e.V. (EBD) und Table.Briefings im Vorfeld der Europawahl 2024 wollen wir mit den Spitzenvertretern und Spitzenvertreterinnen vieler Parteien gemeinsam mit Expertinnen und Experten in den Dialog treten.
cepInput: Macron’s Sorbonne Speech II: A French Negotiating Tool Dedicated to Influence Europe?
On April 25, President Emmanuel Macron delivered his second Sorbonne speech, following on from the one he gave on September 26, 2017. Longer, richer in concrete proposals, and deploying maximum ambition for the European Union, commentators hesitate to qualify his target: is it his party's potential voters for the upcoming European elections, the European Parliament, or is it above all his European partners? We would argue here that, while the speech obviously has electoral repercussions, particularly given its high content of proposals, it is above all a speech designed to challenge the Member States, as was already the case in 2017.
cepNews: cep Series on the European Elections
The EU is in rough waters between the USA, China and the global South. Added to this is the war in Ukraine. In an eight-part series, cep looks at the challenges for the period after the European elections.
cepInput: Freedom or Serfdom - Fateful Years ahead for Europe
The EU faces fateful years. In an eight-part series of articles, the Centres for European Policy Network (cep) aims to draw attention to the pressing issues and developments that will have a decisive impact on the EU beyond the day-to-day political and regulatory matters in the run-up to the important and trend-setting European elections on 9 June.
cepAdhoc: Between Regional Elections and Italian Leadership (cepAdhoc)
Italy recently held regional elections that could have a major impact on European politics as a whole. The elections in Sardinia and Abruzzo have confirmed the strength of the Italian centre-right coalition. However, the right is in a difficult position as it maintains a blatant ambivalence between the anti-European, pro-Trump and pro-Putin positions of Matteo Salvini's Lega and the increasingly pro-EU, pro-NATO and pro-Ukraine positions of Prime Minister Meloni in recent times.
cepAdhoc: Military Aid to Ukraine: How Can the EU Live up to Expectations? (cepAdhoc)
Times are getting increasingly difficult for European security. Russia is becoming more and more aggressive on the Ukrainian front and elsewhere – including cyberspace with disinformation campaigns and cyberattacks. The US is unable to vote for more Ukrainian military aid, although it has been providing most of it in recent years.
cepAdhoc: The Italian Piano Mattei (cepAdhoc)
Italy is set to become the European hub for energy supplies from Africa in the coming years. To this end, the Meloni government has drawn up an ambitious plan for a strategic partnership with the African continent. Eleonora Poli from Centro Politiche Europee | Roma (cep) has examined the "Piano Mattei" and sees it as an opportunity to promote economic development in Africa.