Publications Archive
This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years
- cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
- cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
- cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
- cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy
cepStudy: Resisting or Rebooting the Rise of the Robots? (cepStudy)
Artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionise the world of work. While earlier technological advances enhanced the skills of employees and thus increased their productivity, so-called generative AI will irreversibly destroy entire job profiles. The Centre for European Policy (cep) has conducted a meta-analysis of empirical studies. According to the study, around 20 million workers in the EU would lose their jobs in the short term - accompanied by social unrest - if precautions are not taken quickly in view of AI’s exponential development.
cepAdhoc: Farmer Crisis (cepAdhoc)
Over the past few weeks, violent protests by farmers have shaken Europe. At a time when the sector has been hard hit by the war in Ukraine, with rising fuel and fertilizer prices and increased imports of Ukrainian agri-food products into Europe, European farmers are taking action against regulatory constraints and low incomes.
cepPolicyBrief: Pharmaceutical Legislation Reform (cepPolicyBrief)
After 20 years, the Commission wants to comprehensively reform the outdated pharmaceutical legislation. The legislative proposals contain numerous delegations of power to the Commission. The Centre for European Policy (cep) considers many of these delegations to be too far-reaching. In particular, the possibility of changing the requirements of an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) has far-reaching consequences for the authorisation of medicinal products.
cepAdhoc: The Italian Piano Mattei (cepAdhoc)
Italy is set to become the European hub for energy supplies from Africa in the coming years. To this end, the Meloni government has drawn up an ambitious plan for a strategic partnership with the African continent. Eleonora Poli from Centro Politiche Europee | Roma (cep) has examined the "Piano Mattei" and sees it as an opportunity to promote economic development in Africa.
cepInput: Less AI risk through more competition (cepInput)
The market for artificial intelligence (AI) is currently in the hands of just a few providers. In an oligopoly, speed often takes precedence over thoroughness. According to the Centre for European Policy (cep), this particular market structure poses serious security risks. The think tank therefore calls for a more active competition policy and open source agreements.
This publication is only available in German.
cepPolicyBrief: AI Liability (cepPolicyBrief)
Liability for damage resulting from artificial intelligence (AI) has so far often presented injured parties with difficulties in providing evidence as AI systems are usually complex and opaque. The Commission therefore wants to minimise these problems by introducing a duty of disclosure and a presumption of causality. Although the Centre for European Policy (cep) believes this makes sense, it has major legal concerns. The law should not be based on Art. 114 TFEU.
cepInput: Risky Ways of Managing Migration Flows in Europe (cepInput)
Growing migration flows have become one of the most pressing political issues in the European Union. Despite the recent compromise reached by the member states, a solution to the problem is not in sight. The Centre for European Policy (cep) considers the EU's so-called asylum pact to be unrealistic and unfinanceable.
cepInput: Paving the Way for a European Carbon Market (cepInput)
Wind, sun and hydrogen are seen as the keys to climate neutrality. Another one is often ignored: CO2 storage. In a new study, the Centre for European Policy calls for the development of an EU-wide pipeline and storage infrastructure for carbon capture and storage (CCS) - as well as the removal of regulatory barriers and the conclusion of Carbon-Contracts-for-Difference for young CCS technologies.
cepAdhoc: Attalus Augustus
At just 34, Gabriel Attal becomes the youngest Prime Minister of France since the beginning of Republics, in 1792. Emmanuel Macron wants to use his "energy" and "commitment" to implement his "rearmament" and "regeneration" project imagined for the second part of his second term in office. His mission will be a difficult one: he must lead the government and the presidential majority through a new electoral cycle (European and municipal elections), get laws passed in the Parliament without any absolute majority, keep on getting along with President Macron, but also strengthen the country sufficiently such that the far right does not win the 2027 presidential elections. Not to mention the surprises that are bound to happen. If he succeeds despite all these pitfalls, he will then have a chance of becoming the next President of the French Republic.
cepStudy: Euro-Clearing after Brexit (cepStudy)
Derivatives contracts in the EU are increasingly being cleared via central counterparties (CCPs). A large proportion of this clearing, particularly for euro-denominated derivatives contracts ("euro clearing"), is carried out by clearing houses in the UK - outside the EU since Brexit. A study by the Centre for European Policy (cep), supported by Deutsche Börse, considers efforts to relocate euro clearing to the EU to be necessary.