Publications Archive

This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years

  • cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
  • cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
  • cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
  • cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy



cepStudy: Environment Takes a Backseat in EU Digital Push

Whether it is the digital euro or artificial intelligence (AI): The relentless digitalisation of everyday life in Europe often comes at the expense of climate protection. The Centre for European Policy (cep) has compiled evidence in two case studies on generative AI models and a potential digital euro.



cepPolicyBrief: Digital Networks Act

Whether for artificial intelligence, virtual worlds or the transport of the future. State-of-the-art network infrastructures are essential for this. The Commission has bundled several ideas for improved connectivity in a White Paper. The Centre for European Policy (cep) sees good approaches in the White Paper - but also recognises planned economy traits.



cepNews: Democratic Governance of AI Systems and Datasets

Progress in AI’s capabilities has highlighted a significant concern: the uneven allocation of AI’s benefits among and within societies and economies, worsening both domestic and global inequalities. In addition to limiting market competition and innovation, this concentration of power also translates into social challenges: global inequalities, risks of bias and disinformation, replacement of jobs, and lack of democratic control.



cepInput: Anticipating AI Instead of Preventing It

Inadequate resources, dominant tech companies and a lack of legitimacy: rapid progress in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) requires a drastic rethink in Brussels. This is the conclusion of a study by the Centre for European Policy (cep) in the run-up to the European elections. An institutional reorganisation of the Commission is needed.



cepInput: Language Technology as a Competitive Advantage for the EU

Language models such as ChatGPT are both a risk and an opportunity for Europe. The Centre for European Policy (cep) outlines a ten-point guide for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Key question: How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) create competitive advantage efficiently? Key demand: Companies should be pragmatic – and less hesitant




cepPolicyBrief: Competition in Generative Artificial Intelligence (cepInput)

The European Commission is reviewing merger control proceedings against Microsoft. This is due to the US tech giant's close partnership with OpenAI, the world's leading generative artificial intelligence (AI) company. The Centre for European Policy (cep) warns that the US tech companies already dominates the AI value chain and calls for strict competition law controls.



cepInput: Less AI risk through more competition (cepInput)

The market for artificial intelligence (AI) is currently in the hands of just a few providers. In an oligopoly, speed often takes precedence over thoroughness. According to the Centre for European Policy (cep), this particular market structure poses serious security risks. The think tank therefore calls for a more active competition policy and open source agreements.


This publication is only available in German.



cepPolicyBrief: AI Liability (cepPolicyBrief)

Liability for damage resulting from artificial intelligence (AI) has so far often presented injured parties with difficulties in providing evidence as AI systems are usually complex and opaque. The Commission therefore wants to minimise these problems by introducing a duty of disclosure and a presumption of causality. Although the Centre for European Policy (cep) believes this makes sense, it has major legal concerns. The law should not be based on Art. 114 TFEU.



cepStudy: Weaponizing Social Media in Geopolitics (cepStudy)

Lithium, cobalt, rare earths: The energy transition has sparked a global battle for critical raw materials. This war now also threatens to be fought on social media platforms such as Twitter (X). Possible weapons: Disinformation, fake news, and propaganda. This is the result of a study by the Centre for European Policy (cep).



cepPolicyBrief: EU-Metaverse Strategy: WEB 4.0 & Virtual Worlds (cepPolicyBrief)

Virtual worlds like the metaverse promise growth and jobs. For this reason, the European Commission has drafted a so-called metaverse strategy. The Centre for European Policy (cep) considers the outlined measures questionable. They are misleading, unclearly formulated, and not competitive with US tech giants like Meta.
