Publications Archive
This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years
- cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues
- cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary
- cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies
- cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy
cepStudy: Who is Gonna Win the European Championship?
The transfer of football players within the EU market is becoming increasingly important. National players who play for clubs in other Member States now account for around 35% of the total market value of national teams across the EU - 7 percentage points more than ten years ago. This is the result of a study by the Centre for European Policy (cep).
cepStudy: cep and EY Study: Businesses call for more legal certainty when dealing with data
Whether it is data exchange, cloud services or data flows to the US, the EU is trying to create a legal framework for handling data with a flood of laws. The regulatory frenzy is causing massive uncertainty among businesses. These are the findings of a survey of 1,000 companies conducted by the Centre for European Policy (cep) and EY.
cepAdhoc: European Elections Plunge the EU into a Political Crisis
The European elections have deeply shaken the EU, especially Germany and France. While the "Ampel" party in Germany suffered massive losses, Emmanuel Macron even called new elections in France. Two serious government crises in the largest member states are plunging the EU into a political survival crisis. This is the result of an election analysis by the Centre for European Policy Network (cep).
cepInput: Renewing the EU’s Capacity to Govern its Future
The EU needs a more robust economy and a more effective decision-making process to withstand geopolitical and geo-economic competition from the US and China, experts say. But according to a study by the Centre for European Policy Network (cep), this does not require changes to the EU treaties.
cepAdhoc: Winter Has Come
Given the specificity of the Italian social and economic model, the declining birth rates registered in the country are threatening national economic prospects and the sustainability of the welfare system, posing a significant challenge for the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's conservative, right-wing government.
cepInput: Sovereignty Built on Strength and Significance
The EU is at risk of falling behind in core innovative sectors such as automotive, pharmaceuticals and aerospace. Not enough progress is being made in future technologies such as AI. The Centre for European Policy Network (cep) presents its ideas for an economic overhaul of Europe.
cepInput: Future EU Climate Policy: Challenges and Chances
In order for climate protection to succeed, the Centre for European Policy (cep) believes that the EU must reduce greenhouse gases both more effectively and more cost-effectively in the future. The threat of production and emissions being shifted to third countries as a result of carbon leakage is damaging both the European economy and the global climate. The cep identifies effective instruments that should be at the top of the EU's 2024-2029 agenda.
cepInput: Advanced Materials for the Green and Digital Age
Europe risks becoming only a spectator in the global race for green and digital technologies. To maintain its technological sovereignty, the EU must build on its own strengths. These (still) lie primarily in materials innovation. The Centre for European Policy (cep) calls for a new strategic focus of technology policies on the development of advanced materials.
cepNews: Europe.Table Live Briefing: Europa vor der Schicksalswahl - der Kandidaten-Check
In der gemeinsamen Veranstaltungsreihe von Europäischer Bewegung Deutschland e.V. (EBD) und Table.Briefings im Vorfeld der Europawahl 2024 wollen wir mit den Spitzenvertretern und Spitzenvertreterinnen vieler Parteien gemeinsam mit Expertinnen und Experten in den Dialog treten.
cepNews: Democratic Governance of AI Systems and Datasets
Progress in AI’s capabilities has highlighted a significant concern: the uneven allocation of AI’s benefits among and within societies and economies, worsening both domestic and global inequalities. In addition to limiting market competition and innovation, this concentration of power also translates into social challenges: global inequalities, risks of bias and disinformation, replacement of jobs, and lack of democratic control.