Female brain drain in Poland and Germany

Employment & Social Affairs

Female brain drain in Poland and Germany

Dr. Matthias Kullas
Dr. Matthias Kullas

Global female migration is a topic frequently studied in academic literature however; the topic of female brain drain is one that has long been neglected by academic research.

The aim of this report is to gather all available information on female brain drain in Poland and Germany and its impact on labour markets, gender equality, female migration, and human capital, while noting the gaps in data and policymaking.


This report provides an analysis of the issues related to female brain drain between Poland and Germany in the years 1989-2015. The major finding of this report is that brain drain from Poland to Germany can be observed mirroring the overall migration flows between both countries. Female brain drain is a significant phenomenon, especially since 2010. Brain drain from Germany to Poland is almost non-existent. Furthermore the report analyses the economic and societal consequences of female brain drain for both countries.

In order to prevent brain drain, the report proposes – among other policies – the improvement of family policies enabling highly-skilled women to thrive in the labour market.

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Female brain drain in Poland and Germany