cepDefault-Index United Kingdom

Economic & Fiscal Policy

cepDefault-Index United Kingdom

Dr. Matthias Kullas
Dr. Matthias Kullas

The United Kingdom's creditworthiness is declining. This is the result of the latest cepDefault-Index 2017. The main reason for the decline is the population’s high propensity to consume: since 2012, the population of the United Kingdom has consumed more than the total available income. Moreover, the competitiveness of the British economy declined for years.


The cepDefault-Index for the United Kingdom shows that both the British GDP deflator and the unit labor costs rose faster than in the EU as a whole. A high consumption rate and a declining competitiveness have resulted in the net need for loans from abroad reaching more than four percent of GDP since 2013.

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cepDefault-Index United Kingdom - Established decline of United Kingdom's creditworthiness (publ. 03.14.2017) PDF 287 KB Download
cepDefault-Index United Kingdom - Established decline of United Kingdom's creditworthiness