Antimicrobial Resistance (Communication)

Consumer & Health

Antimicrobial Resistance (Communication)

The EU Commission wants to increase efforts to combat the spread of antimicrobial resistance. With this aim, it has submitted a European Action Plan in line with the concept of “One Health”. In cep’s view, this is a sensible European initiative because resistant pathogens spread across borders thus making it necessary to take both EU-wide and global combating measures.



Moreover, EU aid for the development of new antimicrobials can, in cep’s view, help to cover future need for these drugs. It is also unproblematic in ordopolitical terms insofar as it is restricted to basic research.

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Antimicrobial Resistance COM(2017) 339 (publ. 01.09.2018) PDF 97 KB Download
Antimicrobial Resistance COM(2017) 339