Energy Infrastructure TEN-E (Regulation)


Energy Infrastructure TEN-E (Regulation)

Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Dr. Götz Reichert, LL.M.
Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel
Prof. Dr. Jan S. Voßwinkel

According to the Commission, the EU needs to invest in energy infrastructure in order to achieve its energy and climate policy targets by 2020. To this end, the guidelines, which are proposed in the form of a Regulation, streamline and better coordinate national permit granting procedures for projects of common interest (PCIs).



Improving the coordination of cross-border infrastructure development in the EU is necessary for completing the internal energy market and increasing power generation from renewable energies. The planned streamlining of permit-granting procedures expedites the development of infrastructure and improves the security of the energy supply in the EU. However, the adoption of the TEN-E Guidelines in the form of a Regulation infringes EU law.

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Energy Infrastructure COM(2011) 658 (publ. 06.24.2014) PDF 328 KB Download
Energy Infrastructure COM(2011) 658