Publication Archive



This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years:

cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues

cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary

cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies

cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy




In future, the EU Commission is to be able to oblige undertakings to submit information. It thereby wants to ensure better enforcement of EU law and better preparation of legislative measures. This could also allow easier investigation and proof of infringements of internal market rules.


The EU Commission wants to make decision-making in the comitology procedure easier and more transparent. cep believes that the proposed aim, of making Member States take greater responsibility, is appropriate. The Commission does not have the necessary democratic legitimacy and public acceptance to make politically sensitive decisions.


The “governance mechanism” aims to enable coordination of the energy policy measures of the Member States and the EU, and tighten planning and reporting duties. The EU Commission’s proposed Regulation creates clarity and reduces excess red tape. However, its authorisation for the Commission to design a financing platform for renewable energy projects is contrary to EU law.


The EU - Commission wants a Regulation to protect the confidentiality of electronic communications and related end-user data more effectively and at the same time ensure the freedom of movement of such data. In cep’s view, the envisaged coherence with the General Data Protection Regulation has not been achieved. This results in legal uncertainty which weakens the EU as a location for the data economy.


The EU Commission wants to further harmonise the rules on the use of radio spectrum. In cep’s view, the long minimum duration of 25 years for time-limited harmonised radio spectrum licences, envisaged by the Commission, should be abolished because, in the technologically fast moving telecommunications sector, it may result in the inefficient distribution of licences.


The EU Commission wants to strengthen competition on the wholesale electricity markets. Cross-border power flows in the EU will also be increased. In cep's view, banning Member States from intervening in price formation on the wholesale electricity markets increases competition amongst electricity producers.


The EU-Commission wants to revise the universal service rules in order to enable all EU citizens to have a broadband connection at an “affordable price”. In cep’s view, however, an obligation for universal service providers, to offer social tariffs below market prices in order to give low-income citizens a broadband connection, would be in breach of the freedom to conduct a business.


By introducing an electronic services card (E-Card), the EU Commission wants to facilitate the cross-border provision of services. This voluntary electronic proof is intended to reduce red tape for service providers from other EU countries and strengthen the internal market. cep finds this to be questionable and the E-Card to be unlawful under EU law because it is in part disproportionate.


The EU Commission wants to improve the qualifications of professional drivers of lorries and buses and amend the corresponding Directive. In cep’s view, a more precise definition of the vehicles whose drivers are exempt from the Professional Drivers Qualification Directive, will help to create a level playing field.


The EU Commission wants to change the obligations of the social insurance systems to provide benefits for EU citizens residing in other EU countries. Thus rights acquired in various different Member States can be exported. cep welcomes the fact that payment of unemployment benefit for a period of six months means an unemployed person can spend longer looking for work in another EU country.


Global female migration is a topic frequently studied in academic literature however; the topic of female brain drain is one that has long been neglected by academic research.

The aim of this report is to gather all available information on female brain drain in Poland and Germany and its impact on labour markets, gender equality, female migration, and human capital, while noting the gaps in data and policymaking.


The recast of the Electricity Market Directive aims to give consumers a stronger influence on the retail electricity market and generally protect the market against state intervention. In cep’s view, however, it is misguided for electricity suppliers to have to offer tariffs with dynamic electricity prices when there is no corresponding demand.


The EU Commission wants to create a level playing field for providers of conventional and new types of electronic communications services (OTT services) and largely harmonise end-user rights. In cep's view, there is however no justification for the many proposed exceptions for number-independent interpersonal communications services in the area of end-user rights.


The share of renewable energy in overall EU energy consumption is to increase to 27% by 2030. This is set out in the EU Commission’s Proposal for a Directive to promote energy from renewable sources (“renewables”) post-2021. In cep’s view, the Proposal allows Member States too much scope for developing inefficient and anti-competitive renewables support schemes.


The EU Commission wants to ensure that the energy efficiency of buildings is further increased. The proposed amendment to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive is intended to remove "cumbersome" provisions and speed up the energy-related renovation of existing buildings. In cep's view, linking financial support for building renovation to the energy savings achieved, is an improvement on the status quo.


On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, cep makes an appeal to national and EU politicians as well as to EU citizens.

Based on the realisation that Europe can only succeed together, cep provides a reminder of what has been achieved in the last 60 years, refers to the crises that are currently sending shock waves through the continent and then looks to the future.