Publication Archive



This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years:

cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues

cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary

cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies

cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy




The Commission initiates a discussion on a range of possible measures which could help to promote the long-term financing of investment. These include government-backed savings models, greater focus on the capital markets in relation to financing, more voting rights for long-term shareholders and investment funds aimed at long-term investors.


The Commission wants to combat unfair trading practices by laying down requirements on the content of contracts between companies in the supply chain. Unfair trading practices result from unequal negotiating power and unequal levels of information on the part of the contracting parties.


The European Commission intends to promote the dissemination of green products and green commercial practices by ways of transparency and consistency with the labelling of environmental performances of products and practices. Within a three-year test phase, the Commission recommends to apply its developed methods of the “Product Environmental Footprint“ and that of the “Organisation Environmental Footprint“.


By contrast with train drivers, there is currently no EU-wide standard certification of safety-critical qualifications for train crew entrusted with safety-critical tasks. The Commission views this as a obstacle to employee mobility and therefore wants to introduce EU-wide standard training for train crew.


The Directive aims to ensure a minimum level of network and information security. The Commission wants to impose technical requirements and reporting obligations on certain market operators and public authorities. The Member States are to adopt strategies for network and information security. 


The European Commission's proposal for a 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP) allows an overall view of current and future environment policy initiatives to 2020. It contains a broad palette of proposals relating to objectives and measures but leaves open the actual form that measures are to take. As well as the deficiencies in implementation of existing EU environment legislation, the Commission also brings up the increased use of market-based instruments.


In 2011, the Commission proposed a Directive for an FTT for the whole of the EU but the required unanimous agreement of the Council could not be achieved. The Commission is now proposing to introduce the FTT by way of enhanced cooperation between eleven Member States. The FTT is intended to generate more tax revenue and increase stability in the financial markets.


Railway undertakings need a safety certification to be allowed to use railway infrastructure. Railway vehicles need to obtain an authorisation. The present processes for obtaining safety certifications and authorisation for railway vehicles are long and costly. The Commission intends to reduce the duration and cost of the certification and authorisation processes by less and more coherent national rules, by introducing an EU-wide uniform certification and by giving more powers to the European Railway Agency (ERA).