Publication Archive



This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years:

cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues

cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary

cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies

cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy




53 retail and wholesale trading companies in 22 EU Member States were asked whether and by what measures they are hampered when trading in the EU internal market. Companies were also asked whether they suffer discrimination as a result of national laws or by national authorities in other EU countries as compared with domestic companies.


The EU Commission wants to make the transmission of personal data to non-EU countries easier in order to promote mutual trade and effectively combat international crime.


The EU Commission wants to harmonise road-use charges in the EU. In cep’s view, extending the scope of the Road Charging Directive could prevent distortions of competition. The proposed rules on the imposition of road-use charges for cars are, however, in breach of the principle of subsidiarity.


The Commission wants to improve the rules in the EMIR Regulation, particularly those relating to over-the-counter derivatives. In the PolicyBrief on the proposal from the EU Commission for a corresponding Regulation, the easing of the clearing obligation for counterparties that only undertake limited derivative transactions is seen as appropriate because these do not represent a serious threat to the stability of the financial markets.


The EU wants to oblige Member States to undertake closer regional cooperation in the avoidance and management of electricity crises. In cep’s view, this could avoid severe economic damage in Member States in the event of an electricity crisis. The duty to manage electricity crises primarily with measures which are compatible with the internal electricity market also facilitates efficient pricing on the wholesale electricity market.


The EU Commission wants to ensure that, in future, prior to the introduction or amendment of national provisions to regulate professions, these will be assessed more carefully as to their proportionality. In cep’s view, the Commission’s proposal for a Directive imposes tighter limits on the anti-competitive misuse of professional regulation than previously.


The EU Commission wants to strengthen the internal market for consumer financial services. In its analysis of the Commission’s Communication, cep regards as appropriate the Commission’s reluctance to bring in new rules on territorial restrictions because such restrictions are not per se limitations on the internal market.


The EU Commission’s proposed reform of the EU Energy Agency ACER and the creation of additional organisations aims to improve regulation of cross-border electricity networks and the wholesale electricity market. cep criticises the Commission’s proposals.


In future, the EU Commission is to be able to oblige undertakings to submit information. It thereby wants to ensure better enforcement of EU law and better preparation of legislative measures. This could also allow easier investigation and proof of infringements of internal market rules.