Publication Archive



This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years:

cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues

cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary

cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies

cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy




The EU wishes to establish a “complete and integrated trans-European transport network” (TEN-T) which includes all transport modes and a “dual-layer structure”. To this end, the Commission wishes to enhance coordination in planning and the design of a sound governance structure. TEN-T is to meet the mobility and transport needs within the EU and third countries, guarantee the “accessibility“ of all regions of  the EU and remove bottlenecks in transport.


The tax is to apply to transactions with financial instruments, both in the organised markets and over-the-counter trading. It is to generate revenues for the public purse and to increase the stability of financial markets. The Commission expects EU-wide tax revenues of roughly 57 billion Euros a year. They are to flow wholly or partly into the EU budget through an own resources system of the European Union.


The Proposal provides for an introduction of a European Account Preservation Order. Such order is to be issued if the existence of a debt claim is made credible. For the enforcement of a decision, Member States must appoint enforcement authorities which must approve the order without any further examination and preserve the debtor’s bank account. If the creditor does not know the debtors’ bank accounts, banks are obliged to disclose them or authorities are entitled to search for them in national registers. Debtors are not being notified until after the preservation of their accounts.


Additional own funds buffers are to strengthen the banking sector’s resistance to losses and to smooth credit lending to economic cycles. The introduction of a binding leverage ratio and stricter liquidity requirements is to be examined. Infringements of rules are to be subjected to EU-wide sanctions. 


Additional own funds buffers are to strengthen the banking sector’s resistance to losses and to smooth credit lending to economic cycles. The introduction of a binding leverage ratio and stricter liquidity requirements is to be examined. Infringements of rules are to be subjected to EU-wide sanctions.


Driving times and rest periods in road transport are subject to rules in order to improve road transport safety, improve drivers‘ working conditions and ensure fair competition between road transport companies.  By applying technically modernised “smart” tachgraphs, the Commission wishes to better enforce the rules on driving time and rest periods and reduce the administrative burdens for road transport companies and control authorities.


The Commission wishes to create a unitary European protection law for intellectual properties including digital business models. The Commission’s plans mainly focus on the introduction of an EU unitary patent protection including a European patent litigation system, a modernised EU framework for copyrights and an improved fight against counterfeiting and piracy. 


 “Implementing acts” serve to implement a legally binding EU legal act. Implementing binding legal EU acts according to national law is in principle the duty of Member States. If an EU-wide implementation is required, the basic legal act serves to delegate implementing powers to the Commission. The Member States control the exercise of the implementing powers by the Commission through committees. The Regulation rules such committee procedures.


The Commission wishes to adjust the European Neighbourhood Policy to its transport policy. To this end, it proposes measures to facilitate international goods and passengers transport affecting the EU transport markets and their European neighbours as well as the development of transport infrastructure in the neighbouring EU countries.