Labelling the Energy Consumption of Products (Directive)

The EU Commission proposes to revise the existing Directive on labelling the consumption of energy and other resources. Currently, the indication and labelling obligation is restricted to lighting sources and large household appliances. In future, any product the use of which is related to the consumption of energy and other relevant resources might be subject to the labelling obligation. This might, for instance, affect TVs, shower heads and windows. In addition, contracting authorities may no longer procure inefficient products according to the Commission.


The harmonised labelling of the consumption of energy and other resources has already been introduced successfully for large household appliances and lighting sources. An extension to further products is to be welcomed since this would support consumers in making decisions based on information. However, the planned restriction imposed on authorities to no longer procure certain products should be dismissed as such measure is inconsistent with the principle of subsidiarity and therefore inappropriate.