Publication Archive



This archive contains all documents published by cep over the last few years:

cepAdhoc: Incisive comment on current EU policy issues

cepPolicyBrief: Concise reviews of EU proposals (Regulations, Directives, Green Papers, White Papers, Communications) – including an executive summary

cepInput: Impulse to current challenges of EU policies

cepStudy: Comprehensive examination of EU policy proposals affecting the economy




A coordinated EU "position" for the forthcoming International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Assembly increases the likelihood that the concerns of European airlines will receive greater consideration at the Assembly. This is the conclusion reached by cep in its analysis of the EU Commission's proposal for a Decision to limit CO2 emissions in international aviation.


The EU has set out in a Communication how the European Union will implement the global climate change agreement concluded in Paris. In cep's view, the Paris Agreement is a necessary step towards effective climate protection. The Commission's assertion that the provisions on carbon leakage are "balanced" is, however, incorrect.


The initial steps by the EU towards regulating remote-controlled drones – provisions on design, production, maintenance and operation – contribute to aviation safety and increase legal and planning certainty. The European Commission should also submit similar proposals for autonomous aerial drones.


Disruption to the gas supply in the EU should be prevented by better regional coordination. To achieve this, Member States would, under plans put forward by the EU Commission, have to draw up binding risk assessments and develop preventive action and emergency plans, no longer nationally, but jointly with other countries in their region.


EU regulations on the type-approval of motor vehicles will be implemented more effectively and the market surveillance of motor vehicles already in service will be improved. For this purpose, the European Commission has proposed a Regulation. Nevertheless, it will give rise to additional costs both for consumers and manufacturers.


By way of a Directive, the requirements under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will be implemented and the internal market strengthened. This is necessary because some Member States have already adopted diverging national regulations thereby restricting the free movement of goods and services.


The European Commission wants to remove barriers to cross-border retail financial services and has submitted a Green Paper on the subject. The portability plans set out therein, particularly for life insurance and private health insurance, are, however, in cep's view, unrealistic.


The EU Commission wants to strengthen the European aviation sector in international competition. It therefore proposes relaxing the rules on the ownership and control of air carriers in future aviation agreements, realising the Single European Sky and increasing the efficiency of EU airports.


Subscriptions to films and other online content will also be available for use during temporary stays in another Member State. This is provided for under a EU Commission proposal for a Regulation on the cross-border portability of online content. Until now, this has been prevented inter alia by national copyrights and licences.